Where to stay the night

Veslestua på Vestre Kinn gård


  • Accommodation

Welcome to Vestre Kinn Gård ved Rødenessjøen**

Welcome to Vestre Kinn Gård ved Rødenessjøen.

Our cosy castle house "Veslestua" is perfect for familie, couples, alene or for a breakout in the country. The courtyard is idyllic, with the guardian's surroundings, and you turn to fuglesang og høns/fugler on the thin.
Sovemulnings are a 120 dobbelt set and a dobble sovesofa.
Alle firbein't your velcoming - they may be held in bows on the thin, due to the other estate.


Veslestua is situated on a courtyard with hovedhus, stabbur and clove. Eierne living in the hoved house. You have 20 goals with forest, beite and thin.
Veslestua has gang, bath, kjøkken og stue/soverom. Simple standard, with cosy interior and detail.


Ladies get til Veslehuset, with parking on the prestigious plass to høyre when you kjører inn on the tunet.
It is a platting fore house with tables and chairs. Tilhørende small dog entrance vegg in vegg with the vesle house can be used wood needs. Other things are yours,

Vestre Kinn farm is on a fun sted. They do it de they may have a relaxing opphold. Dog misguided it by og være nødvendig on the rock plen, fikse in the drive house, feel or other jøremål on the thin.

They have a farm dog that usually goes on the thin. It was continued that dogs have their dogs in bonds, where there are heroes, cats, calciums and tangles that go on the thin during the day. Sauer lives on the outside beite on the farm.

Gjestene gets ferske eggs from the farm that are clear on the table wood arrival, in season.
