**The Glomma is Norway's longest river at about 604 km. It flows through several municipalities in Inner Østfold. The river originates in Aursunden in the northeast of Røros municipality and flows into the Oslofjord near Fredrikstad.
Along the Glomma, we have three impressive power stations in Inner Østfold - Solbergfoss, Vamma and Kykkelsrud.
Timber has been floated on the Glomma since time immemorial. Floating was at its peak in 1952, when 14 million logs passed through the Glennetangen channel in Skiptvet. Floating did not cease until 1985. At Eidet, a logging tunnel was built to lead logs that had drifted into Vestvannet further down to Visterflo.
The Glomma has been infected by crayfish plague, and the population of noble crayfish has not recovered despite a long ban on crayfishing. Fishing is otherwise good. Pike, grayling, trout, whitefish, perch, roach, bream, tench, dace, rainbow trout and burbot are all fish species that can be caught here.
Flood stones marking the maximum water flow On June 2, the river was 70 cm above the 1934 flood and 61 cm below Storofsen. There are flood stones at Fossum bridge in Askim.