Things to do & see

Pumptrack, Spydeberg

Indre Østfold


  • To do

In the stadium area Fjellheim/hallen in Spydeberg there is a pump track. Banned for free, og passer for alle. . You can take care of herself, and become so good a man. The banner is asphalt asphalt, and you can use siblings, kicksycles and skateboard on it. They aller flinkes savvy sharply sharpen a speed on the track and on that edge of worn sail on its level.

It’s your legs on the outside and the track. : A perfect sted for foreldre og besteforeldre, where they can drink coffee men’s children playing og it has gøy on the track.

Have you a pumptrack?
A pumptrack you a lukket round, or bane, with a series of balls, jump and dosages. The goal is to scale the "pumpe" round the track in the sted for boring, hence the navnet pumptrack.
