Hovind Søndre has vært in familien silk 1700 pine. Today Torill runs as your fourth genera ion on the farm utleie for seldoms and overnatting. The farm is landed in Spydeberg wood silk by Hovin Kirke.
Rommene as leies out lies in the great, Roman og stasligae hovedhuset. her you it .4 dobbeltrom og ease.
Reisevei til Oslo took 35 minutes.
Til food stores 3 Km.
Til Glomma Has Your Fish Emulsities 1.5 km
Large outdoor areas og tilgang to brewer house with grue as your datert tilbake to the 1750 pine tree.
The farm is Langs løypa Unionsleden – the cycling route of Moss to Karlstad.